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English Grammar Workbook Parts of Speech Volume 2

Unlike volume one, this volume offers more activities for the students without the definitions of the different parts of speech. Which is why it is recommended to start with volume one first. The parts of speech are usually taught to students in grades three…

English Grammar Workbook Parts of Speech Volume 1

This workbook focuses on developing the students grammatical capability through learning the different parts of speech. Each is defined and exercises followed. The parts of speech are usually taught to students in grades three through six, but can be also used by lower or…

Grade 1 Math Workbook

Course Outline: Lesson 1: Reading and Writing Numbers 1 to 100Identify number concepts up to 100.Read number words up to 100.Write numerals up to 100. Lesson 2: Comparing NumbersCompare numbers using the symbols for greater than, less than, and equal…

Grade 1 English Workbook

Course Outline: Lesson 1Recognizing the Short a and e SoundsRecognizing Nouns Lesson 2Recognizing the Short i SoundsRecognizing Singular and Plural Nouns Lesson 3Recognizing the Short o and uSounds Recognizing Common and Proper Nouns Lesson 4Pronouncing words with the Sounds of…