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Grade 1 Reading Practice Volume 2

What’s Inside? R-Family Blends Recognize words in the R family blends. Read and spell words with r blends. Read and write sight words. L- Family Blends Recognize words in the L family blends. Read and spell words with l blends.…

Grade 2 English Workbook

Course Outline: Lesson 1: Sentences Lesson 2: Identifying Subjects Lesson 3: identifying Predicates Lesson 4: Learning Punctuation Lesson 5: Type of Sentences Lesson 6: Statements Lesson 7: Questions Lesson 8: Exclamations Lesson 9: Command File Info:Type: PDF | Compressed |…

Do It Math! Grade 1 Workbook

General Objectives: Demonstrates understanding and appreciation of the key concepts and skills involving numbers and number sense, basic concepts on addition and subtraction. In critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life. Lesson Contents:…